Get Your Hands Off It’ campaign targets mobile phones and car accident injuries

Transport for New South Wales has launched yet another campaign to promote safe driving practices and reduce the number of car accident injuries that occur on the state’s roads.

“Get Your Hands Off It” is the New South Wales Government’s latest attempt to educate people about the dangers of using a mobile phone while behind the wheel.

Since November 1, 2012, it has been against the law to perform any sort of operation on a mobile phone while driving unless it’s “secured in a cradle fixed to the vehicle” and can be utilised without the driver having to touch it.

You’re never allowed to hold a mobile phone in your hand while driving, and you can’t place it on your leg or between your shoulder and ear to make a “hands-free” call either. If you don’t possess the paraphernalia mentioned above, you will need to pull over and stop the car if and when you need to use your mobile phone.

It’s important to remember that it’s against the law to send messages or make calls while your car is stationary at traffic lights and intersections, too.

While the New South Wales Government’s Road and Maritime Services is unable to confirm just how many people have crashed due to illegal mobile phone use while driving, the US’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that each day nine people are killed and over 1,060 people are injured because of “distracted driving”.

“This is one of the biggest road safety issues in New South Wales,” announced Minister for Roads and Ports Duncan Gay in a March 7 statement.

“Taking your hand off the wheel and taking your eyes off the road to text or use social media threatens the safety of all road users.”

That’s why “Get Your Hands Off It” has been developed – to boost public awareness and teach people that using a mobile phone while driving is “unacceptable”.

A number of YouTube videos have been released as part of the “cheeky” campaign, which put a musical and comedic spin on this serious topic. The latest videos include country, rock and hip-hop music, so they can appeal to a wider audience.

“The New South Wales Government has been innovative in its approach to helping people understand the consequences of using their mobile phone while driving,” said Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson.

“No text, no status update and no photo is worth losing your life for.”

If you’ve suffered a car accident injury and think you may be eligible for compensation, get in touch with a car accident lawyer today.

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