Nickel mogul leaves Will unsigned, estate in flux

Millie Phillips, who was at one time the richest woman in Australia, now lives in a Rose Bay nursing home, but she was rendered incapacitated by a stroke. However, before this bad turn, she never got around to signing her Will, leaving the future of her estate uncertain.

What is the situation?

Phillips’ children, who she no longer has contact with, have taken to Sydney courts to figure out what this means for the significant estate she will one day leave behind. Her Will is estimated to cover roughly $110 million, after years of making wise investments, chairing the International Mining Corporation and creating Milstern.

In late 2017, following a fall, Phillips began gathering her affairs, deciding that she did not want to leave anything to her children, but she did want to leave money to one of her grandchildren. But attempts to create a Will weren’t easy, according to arguments made in front of the court, due to Phillips’s personality.

In the meantime, the one grandson she expressed interest in leaving money to was able to successfully apply to a New South Wales Court of Appeal to authorise the making of a Will of his behalf based on previous drafts, from which he will receive a $25 million property, another property and artwork and personal effects.

Also based on drafts, the other grandchildren will receive sums, as will her daughter, a housekeeper, and various charities. Her son Robert is not being provided for.

Are there other claims to be made?

There could be other claims to be made if other individuals think that they are eligible persons. For example, if Phillips had any other close personal relationships or members of her household, they may want to consider filing an application either now, or in the future at the time of her death. Moreover, if Phillips were to become in a relationship before her death, he or she would be considered an eligible person and may be able to file an application if they are not provided for at that time.

Her son Robert, who is not provided for in the current iteration of the drafted Will, may consider filing an appeal citing the Succession Act 2006 if he believes he has been unfairly treated.

If you seek help in contesting a Will or estate, don’t hesitate to get in contact with Gerard Malouf and Partners Compensation, Medical Negligence & Will Dispute Lawyers. Our team can help you with inheritance disputes and applications, so reach out today.

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