Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce in faucibus est. Nullam accumsan iaculis odio, nec auctor
mauris vulputate vel. Donec posuere arcu et nisl sollicitudin convallis at eu diam. Donec lacinia bibendum magna, eget
scelerisque nisl. Pellentesque ultrices odio id diam imperdiet semper. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam nec eros in
lectus egestas iaculis a at erat.
Demonstrating that a doctor fell short of their duty of care can be a challenging process. While most doctors try their best to correctly diagnose conditions and provide timely medical treatment, they can’t always be right. In every state, protections are in place to shield practitioners from some litigation. These give practitioners peace of mind on the job and protect hospitals that are doing their best with limited resources. However, these laws also set the bar for receiving compensation incredibly high.
Overall, to win a favorable judgment, you must be able to prove Duty, Breach and Damages.