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Man wins $350,000 for sexual abuse by a teacher at a Sydney-based Catholic school

Case Overview
  • Our client was a victim of grooming and sexual abuse in years 5 through 10 at a Sydney-based Catholic school. 
  • The plaintiff came to GMP Law in an attempt to sue the institution that hired the abuser. 
  • Our client won his claim for $350,000 for historical childhood sexual abuse

A man resolved his claim for $350,000 for historical childhood sexual abuse that he suffered whilst attending a Catholic school from year 5 to year 10 in the 1970s. 

Our client was groomed by the Brother who taught at the school for a certain period and was then subjected to targeted and repeated acts of child sexual abuse by the same man. The plaintiff came to GMP Law in an attempt to sue the institution that hired the abuser. 

“The plaintiff came to GMP Law in an attempt to sue the institution that hired the abuser.“

Georgette Bechara
Our Approach

The Defendant admitted that the perpetrator was the subject of complaints prior to the Plaintiff’s abuse. The court accepted that the Defendant would more likely than not be found to have breached its duty of care by allowing the perpetrator to have contact with the Plaintiff at the school. However, the Defendant argued that there was no evidence to prove that the Plaintiff was in fact abused during the subject period by the perpetrator.  

Nevertheless, this did not stop us from persevering with our client’s claim and arguing that the abuse took a negative toll on the Plaintiff’s life. The abuse suffered at the Catholic school affected our client’s ability to work and maintain healthy relationships with others.  

While the sum of money received by victims of childhood sexual abuse will never resolve the traumatic experience of the abuse or reverse past wrongs, it helps victims find some sense of closure. 

If you have an enquiry in relation to a potential child abuse or sexual assault claim, please call us at 1800 004 878 and speak to one of our experienced lawyers.

The Result

Our client won $350,000 for sexual abuse by a teacher at a Sydney-based Catholic school.

Frequently Asked Questions

More Information

Division 10 of the Crimes Act 1900 outlines the criminal offence of sexual assault, as well as the definitions for ‘sexual intercourse’ and other related terminology.

Put simply, sexual assault constitutes any unwanted sexual behaviour committed by one person or a group of people towards another without consent. Continue reading for more information.

The commission has hit headlines recently due to its work in uncovering child sexual abuse claims against various religious organisations across Australia.

However, it’s not just the church that the agency investigates; all major institutions fall under its remit, including schools, sports clubs and government organisations. The authority explores private, public and non-government bodies that have at any point in time interacted with children.

Learning institutions serve as sanctuaries, where people of all ages can go to learn and discover new skills that can help them become more well-rounded individuals. Teachers and administrators play an important role in ensuring that this goal is achieved, and more often than not, they make all of us proud. Every day millions of parents trust their local schools with their children’s well-being. But what happens when the school falls short? From serious injury to child abuse and sexual abuse, incidents at school can have a lifelong impact. But when is the school itself liable?

What many victims may not realize is that a school can be held responsible even if they didn’t directly cause the injury — so long as their lack of reasonable preventative action contributed. Proving this, however, can be challenging.

Ultimately, if you, your child, or another loved one was harmed as a result of school negligence, you have options. The expert solicitors at Gerard Malouf & Partners can help.

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Gerard Malouf & Partners have provided friendly, experienced legal advice to communities across Australia for over 35 years. Our Personal Injury Lawyers have taken on ten’s of thousands of cases and we are proud to have won billions of dollars for our clients.
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Meet the diverse and dynamic team of compensation lawyers and supporting staff that have made this all happen below. Our multi-lingual team can discuss your claims in Arabic, Assyrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, French, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi or Malayalam.

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